技术参数 Technical Data | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
性能特点 Features | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
热风循环功能, 确保炉内温度均匀,升温迅速; |
去湿功能, 烘烤的食物外催里嫩 |
多功能性: 可烤制各类面点、蛋糕、批萨等 |
安全高效: 双层防烫玻璃门 |
UNOX’s AIR.Plus technology
guarantees perfect distribution of air and heat inside the baking chamber |
The presence of excess humidity in the
final stages of the baking process can compromise the achievement of
the desired result |
Baking Essentials Innovative and functional. Essential for your daily production |
PROTEK.Safe Safety for your team. Efficiency for your business. |
使用说明书 Operation Manual | |
XF023 热风循环烤箱 操作使用说明书- 英文版下载 ^English Version | |
适用场合 Application | |
适合空间不大的小型/中型咖啡吧和快餐店; | |
...Invaluable to the small / medium snack bar and coffee shop. |
同类产品参考 Relative Products | |||||||||||||||