首页>酒吧设备>机械类 |
...此款奶昔机是非常专业级的冻品搅拌机,制作倒杯不洒的冰淇淋; |
...The industry's leading frozen treat mixer; |
...在糖果、点心等里面加入冰淇淋或酸奶,几秒中,一杯完美的饮品呈现给您! |
...Can incorporate candies, cookies and other hard-to-mix ingredients into hard or soft serve ice cream or yogurt to make highly profitable frozen treats; |
技术参数 Technical Data | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
性能特点 Features | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
使用说明 Brief Instruction |
综述: | |
...将杯子在搅拌棒周围快速的上下、左右移动,完成一次完美的搅拌; | |
By rapidly moving the cup up and around the agitator, a thorough mixing job can be accomplished. | |
...搅拌的时间,取决于所放的添加物、以及添加物的温度;另外还取决于操作人员的熟练程度; |
Some combinations may take more time depending on additives, product temperature,technique,and desired consistency of finished product. Due to the difference of recipes your results may also vary. | |
...面板功能简介 About Panel |
...操作简述 Brief Instruction |
操作模式一:预设模式 Programmed cycles Mode |
操作模式二:手动模式 Manual Mode |
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适用场所 Locations | |
..冰淇淋店、水果吧、咖啡店、快餐店等类似于DQ、肯德基等场所; | |
From mix-in treats to thick, smooth malts and shakes, the Mix'n Machine Advance is perfect for high-volume ice cream shops, smoothie shops and Quick-Serve Restaurants; |
操作说明 Operation Manual | |
Mix'n chill 暴风雪冰淇淋机 操作使用说明书 ^Instruction manual | |
相关产品参考 Reference Products | ||||||||||||||||||
Hamilton Beach 产品目录 Other Products of Hamilton | ||||||||||||
小贴士 Tips | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||