多功能:可制作 沙冰、鸡尾酒、冰镇卡普奇诺、冰糕等; |
Flexibility:The perfect choice for smoothies, margaritas,
daiquiris, iced cappuccinos, granitas, and more; |
48盎司(1500 ml)聚碳酸酯杯,带计量刻度; |
44oz.polycarbonate container,break-resistant ,easy-to-read
measurement markings; |
独特的搅拌筋设置,可以使得食物在搅拌杯中的翻腾更加均匀,搅拌效果更加出色; |
Innovative Ingredient Crushing Rib is designed to
eliminate product swirl and pushes the solid product into the rotating
blades ; |
高性能不锈钢刀片,确保所制的冰沙、果泥细腻、滑爽; |
Four stainless steel cutting and mixing blades ensure
perfectly smooth drinks with no unwanted ice or fruit chunks; |
自定位式卡环,防滑支脚; |
Self-aligning collar,Sure-grip; |